Dear DATIA Member


If you are a current member of DATIA, this is a very important follow up message.

Recently, Jeff Smith, President of WPA and Managing Director of DATIA; published allegations of deception, misconduct and breach of fiduciary duty against myself, other DATIA board members and the entire DATIA Board. 

I do not believe that any of the DATIA board members have breached their fiduciary duty and I believe that the allegation of board deception and misconduct is false.

I cannot speak for other DATIA board members or the entire board, but I believe the DATIA Board will speak out after a special board meeting and legal counsel.

I can speak regarding the untrue allegations and accusations against me of deception, misconduct, and breach of fiduciary duty.  My anger over these gross misstatements of material fact and outright falsehoods motivates me to write a six-page 22 point memorandum.  Upon the advice of legal counsel, I must take the high road. 

I have not breached fiduciary duty and have not acted in any way that would be considered deception or misconduct.  Mr. Smith’s comments about me contain gross misstatements of material fact and outright falsehoods.  Anyone who wants details about any of Mr. Smith’s allegations against me can call me to discuss my specific responses to these gross misstatements of material fact and outright falsehoods.  Please call me if you have concerns or need details – 321 622 2020.

I believe in DATIA and the mission and have supported and will continue to support DATIA.  All of this is occurring because of a May 2017 vote to request a performance review and additional long term discussions with WPA our management company.  Unfortunately we have not had those discussions or the performance review.

I have supported DATIA since I joined the organization around 1996 -1997.  I want to share my record of support and loyalty. 

I supported and attended every DATIA conference except one.  I served for nine years on the board of directors and I am now serving another three year term.  I served as Chairman of the board for 4 years.  During my term as Chairman; we introduced our FOCUS magazine, membership exploded, Federal relationships improved and I insisted on and achieved an update of our bylaws to have term limits for the position of Chairman so other industry leaders could also have the opportunity to serve in this position.  The plaque that Laura Shelton presented me with on May 2, 2008 states that DATIA Recognizes Joseph Reilly “with grateful appreciation of his tireless efforts to advance industry recognition, improve industry standards and professionalism, and build strong relationships with federal agencies, through his years of dedicated involvement as Chairman of the DATIA Board of Directors.”

I serve on the membership committee and the education committee.  I have presented at numerous DATIA conferences and workshops and have written numerous articles for the DATIA FOCUS magazine.  I wrote the current manual for the DATIA Consortia/Third Party Administrator Best Practices Course.  I am a master trainer and a regional trainer for the DATIA certified collector program (CPC and CPCT).  I have assisted with the development of other DATIA courses that have been added over the past 10 years.  I have been the course instructor for the CPCT class, the Audit class and the Supervisor Training class.  I have been recognized by the DATIA management team and Board of Directors for my unselfish commitment to reviewing DATIA FOCUS articles prior to publication.  I have been recognized by the DATIA management team and Board of Directors for my unselfish commitment to recruiting new member.

I support DATIA with my time and industry expertise, I support DATIA financially.  Financial support has included DATIA advertising, trade show exhibiting, two business memberships, multiple employees with multiple DATIA certifications, attendance at industry events on behalf of DATIA at my own travel expense and financial support to the Diana Bauske Educational Scholarship Fund.

I have referred many new members to DATIA.  As a consultant helping new folks coming into the drug testing industry, my recommendation is to always join DATIA right way even before they open their doors. In 2015, I was awarded by DATIA its Top Entrepreneur award.

I believe I have been loyal and dedicated to DATIA.

I urge DATIA members to stand up for DATIA, I urge you to contact the DATIA management team and protest a meeting to be held Friday, November 24, 2017 at 9 AM; the morning after the Thanksgiving Holiday.  I urge you to contact your board members and lend them your support.

Thank you,

Joe Reilly

DATIA Board Member and Past Chairman

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